8/14/2015 0 Comments Mysore practice explained
The next post is a short demo of a normal morning practice in our school. This video here is from our old school a few years back. In this video we explain in detail (and show) what the Mysore practice means. Enjoy!
What does "Mysore practice" mean? In this video you can see our normal morning practice, the practice we do from Sunday to Friday. Mysore style means a self practice with a teacher. Everyone does their own practice and the teacher is there to help everyone out; deepening the practice and making sure it's done in a correct, safe way.
Many are worried about not remembering the sequence. This is not a real concern. We will help you get started and support you pose by pose. No excuses, just get started. :) 8/12/2015 1 Comment Advanced backbending
Ashtanga Yoga is a beautiful practice. One of the great things about it, is the way it can transform our body. When you start, many things can be quite challenging but after a few years of practice, the same things are very manageable, maybe even easy. Year by year the limits are being pushed further and after a longer period of practice, like a decade or something, you are a totally new person. Guruji's words "practice and all is coming" describe this very well.
In this video Grete Allik is doing some of the more advanced backbends. Beginners, don't worry, you don't have to do these in the near future. :) |
August 2016
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